Your road to fans with kiosk loyalty & rewards Building Your Fanbase Terry Morrell

  • Move Rewards Inspire!
    Open Rewards Inspire!

    When you think of “Reward”, what comes to mind?

    Your mind may go back to your younger days when adults gave you treats for good behaviour. This psychology has a strong base in loyalty & rewards. These days, technical sophistication makes that experience feel personal and gives customers choice of rewards based on their loyal behaviour.

    This web book looks at rewards in the context of using our kiosk loyalty & rewards solution to stimulate loyal behaviour.

    Our clients benefit from our expertise to brand & align the kiosk solution to their business model and engage, entertain and inspire their customers.

    Get in touch to find out how we can help or read our other web book_ “why loyalty is important_”, instantly available on our website (no email or download required).

    Rewards Inspire! 131 words
  • Move One marshmallow now or two later!
    One marshmallow now or two later!
  • Move Choice Is Motivatiing
    Open Choice Is Motivatiing

    Motivation and choice remain the hallmarks of empowering customers to choose to be loyal to your business, increase their economic value to you and be an advocate to others. All things that are at best, difficult to buy.

    Where to start?

    Consider how you'd like to target your rewards programme. For example, Customer Retention, Average Spend, Repeat visits, Attracting or repelling customer demographics, New product/service development, Events, Commercial or Charity collaborations or promotion of other business lines.

    Gosh! most of above is probably what you’d like...

    Loyalty & Rewards has evolved to meet the dynamics of modern business and deep variety of your customer base.

    Value in the eye of the beholder

    Your range of rewards will be viewed in different ways by your customers.

    The perception of value by your customers will be as individual as they are, who will identify and priorise your reward benefits according to their lifestyle.

    This is a competitive advantage and driver

    Choice Is Motivatiing 176 words
  • Move It's not a free for all!
    It's not a free for all!
  • Move No Stamp Cards In Sight!
    Open No Stamp Cards In Sight!

    We recommend starting with a subset of the following reward types to suit your business:

    While you may reward customers with complimentary items or services, we’d suggest using the ‘free’ word sparingly to position your rewards as earned or exclusively available with a purchase to maintain their perceived value / exclusive status.


    Price reductions on items or total purchase. A classic, but needs careful handling to avoid dysfunctional behaviour or negative perceptions of your pricing generally. Our recommendation is to use discounts sparingly and mix with other reward types.

    Product / Service

    Complementary product or service. It's tempting to deploy these rewards, as they have been a staple of loyalty & rewards. Our recommendation is to target products / services you wish to invigorate or test.

    Charity Donation

    Empowering your customers to save for rewards that are charity donations can be a powerful way to gain deeper loyalty with your customers. These types of rewards ca

    No Stamp Cards In Sight! 387 words
  • Move Redeeming Leads To Advocacy
    Redeeming Leads To Advocacy
  • Move Simplicity & Sophictication
    Open Simplicity & Sophictication

    As an independent business, you’re naturally more nimble than a multinational. Therefore your rules can be much less onerous and based on goodwill. That said, protecting your business from potential abuse is sensible.

    To keep the kiosk as self-service as possible, we’d recommend 1 point per customer visit. However, if it’s legitimate for customers to trade with you more than once a day, point collection restrictions can be adjusted to facilitate that. 

    The kiosk solution by definition is about ‘checking in’ by customers in person to prevent remote point collection (we do support online shop point collection to complement your kiosk solution if required).

    Should customers check in to the kiosk multiple times, a message will appear to show they have reached their limit of points for the day, but they can still redeem a reward if they wish, refer a friend or form a family group.

    Valuation, redemption & gifting

    A key metric is to base reward valuation on your current average spend per customer.

    Simplicity & Sophictication 272 words
  • Move The right data gives you control
    The right data gives you control
  • Move Under The Covers
    Open Under The Covers

    Monitoring & data insights

    Being aware of recruitment and reward redemption are two initial metrics, followed by general engagement indicated by point collection by members. These key metrics and more are available in the "Manager App" or dashboard. Email alerts can also be set-up for key system events.

    Customer admin

    Should manual intervention be needed, a range of options can be used from undoing a redemption, to removing/adding points and various adjustments to customer data (eg fix typos in a customer email address).

    Communication toolkit

    The dashboard is equipped with communication features like email & sms, including a content creation tool and various automation tools. This can be a secret weapon to directly communicate with your customers, where social media posts have to be funded to reach your audience.

    Rewards / rules change

    Most settings can be adjusted instantly via the dashboard and have support material and we are always available to to assist.


    Under The Covers 191 words
  • Move Make Joining Rewarding!
    Open Make Joining Rewarding!

    Customer Recruitment

    Make Joining Rewarding!
  • Move And Easy To Use
    Open And Easy To Use

    The kiosk experience

    The back end preparation is to present your business, your rewards and communications in the best light to your customers.

    The kiosk experience is the initial loyalty & rewards touchpoint for point collection and rewards redemption. It's designed to be self-sufficient and customer empowering. Staff involvement is only needed for certain types of instant redemption.

    Customers can also refer a friend and form family groups via the kiosk, as well as check in using their membership QR code or mobile phone number.

    Plastic cards & smartphone wallets

    Since the widespread adoption of smartphone wallet technology, there has been a steep decline in the use of plastic membership cards. However, they are still popular in certain niche markets and can still play a role in brand awareness. We provide a design and fulfilment service in the UK for these.

    Your kiosk supports plastic cards, smartphone wallets and mobile phone numbers as ways to “check in” your loyalty & rewards

    And Easy To Use 349 words
  • Move Early Adopters Give You A Boost
    Early Adopters Give You A Boost
  • Move Structure Can Be Insightful
    Open Structure Can Be Insightful

    Of course, _“going live” _straight away is an option. However, there is an opportunity to define and fine tune your Loyalty & Rewards by engaging your customers through a structured process.

    Here are phases we've seen clients gain value from:


    Your existing customers are likely to be members of multiple loyalty programmes, which may bring essential insights and ideas to help you differentiate yours where appropriate.

    Gaining design input could be in the form of a survey, workshop, conversations or even a competition.


    Building anticipation with existing customers can also stimulate new customer interest in your business. This could take the form of bonus points for pre-launch sign-ups, which also gives you the opportunity to begin using email communications to educate members about your loyalty & rewards other engagement opportunities such as events.

    That simplicity of direct communication (done with care) can be effective, compared to social media that can dilute

    Structure Can Be Insightful 303 words
  • Move Fun Experiences Are Rewarding
    Open Fun Experiences Are Rewarding

    Delivering Business Value

    Fun Experiences Are Rewarding
  • Move Building Your Fanbase
    Open Building Your Fanbase

    Once your loyalty & rewards is active, the focus becomes recruitment and member engagement, plus ensuring the redemption experience is the best it can be.

    We’d recommend frequently re-visiting your original objectives to develop targets and strategies. It’s worth noting that some metrics may only be possible from using the Gain Loyalty system or you may need to reference your EPOS, your business accounts to maintain a view of how Loyalty & Rewards plays its role in delivering business value, or as part of a business transformation exercise.

    Example metric categories:

    • Customer Retention
    • Average Spend
    • Demographics
    • New Products/Services
    • Events
    • Commercial Collaborations
    • Business Development
    • Charitable Giving

    Direction of travel

    Loyalty & Rewards is not a “set & forget” sport.

    Keeping your rewards motivating to new and existing members requires tweaks and changes. A simple change like adjusting the number of points required for a reward to retiring or launching new rewa

    Building Your Fanbase 244 words